When the bank or credit card issuer closes a credit or debit card because it's been compromised or expired, or the account has been closed, it will be removed from our Unlimited Club system.
Therefore, to keep your Club membership active, simply input your new credit card number via our secure website.
NOTE: NEVER send a credit card number via email as email is not secure.
To add your new credit/debit card number...
- Just login to www.JaxKarWash.com/club;
- At the top-center, find the PAYMENT METHODS section;
- Click the ADD button;
- Type in the new credit card information;
- Submit the new information;
Alternately, if you have another valid card in our system, you can use that one...
- If the vehicle already exists in your record, under PAYMENT METHOD, click the CHANGE button;
- Choose the credit card you'd like associated with that vehicle, and then click submit.
We love our Unlimited members! Thanks for being one!