If you are replacing a vehicle, it is best to CHANGE the vehicle that is in your record. That way, you won't lose any time; any remaining time will transfer to the new vehicle. Click here to learn how to do that.
But if you are wanting to ADD a vehicle to your existing account, follow these easy steps:
1) Login here;
2) Below your vehicle listings, find the button labeled "ADD A VEHICLE" and click it.
3) Follow the on-screen instructions. You will be able to use the existing credit card on file, or add a different one if you wish.
NOTE: Different vehicles in your account CAN use different credit cards! For example, one can be your business credit card linked to your first vehicle, and one can be your personal credit card linked to your second vehicle. See more about that here.
Each additional vehicle is priced the same the first vehicle since our pricing is already very aggressive with a 2 or 3 visits per month break-even point. This point depends on which plan you choose, and is listed here: www.JaxKarWash.com/club .
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