Before canceling, please let us know if there is anything we can do to keep you as a member; we will work hard as we appreciate you!

To cancel a vehicle's Unlimited Membership, please login to your account at  Under the vehicle you wish to cancel, click the CANCEL button and follow the on-screen instructions.  Please be sure you watch for the confirmation page to ensure your request was processed.  

After canceling, you will be able to wash until the date through which your plan is paid.  For example, if your plan is paid through June 15th, and you cancel on June 2, you can still wash until June 15th.

But rather than canceling, if you plan on coming back, try our "Vacation" option!  And if you have a problem with our service, please let us know and give us a chance to make it right for you before cancelling -- we always stand behind our work.

Don't see the CANCEL button?  That means your vehicle is on Vacation Hold.  You will need to lift the Vacation Hold before you can cancel.   The other reason would be that your plan is 'Inactive', meaning the last billing failed; in this case, you don't need to do anything -- it is essentially the same as cancelled.

If this does not answer your question, DO NOT press the 'NO' button below, but rather login to your account and press the RED "SUPPORT" button.  If you can't login to your account, click here to open a ticket with support.

Thank you!